Marketing / Automation

Take the LCM Assessment to perfect your client journey

Dave Vest

Updated: Sep 21, 2022 · 3 min read

Lifecycle Automation Assessment

Entrepreneurs strive to build businesses that impact customers and create personal freedom. A predictable marketing and sales process is critical in achieving those objectives.

Lifecycle Automation (LCM) is a proven framework of irrefutable strategies crafted by Keap co-founders, as they observed and helped thousands of successful small businesses see significant growth. The LCM model provides a simple framework of three key systems that cover the nine phases of a customer’s journey.

Small business owners can use these systems to design a marketing strategy that will help them attract potential customers, sell to them, and deliver an experience that impresses them and keeps them coming back—with referrals.

The Lifecycle Automation model:

If your business is struggling in any of these areas, LCM can help. The LCM Assessment is the tool that will drive your business to success—and it will only take about 10 minutes to complete!

Reasons you should take the assessment:

  • To assess your business against the nine distinct phases of LCM
  • To identify specific gaps and areas of opportunity to grow your business
  • To quantify your current efforts into a Business Health Score, which demonstrates the effectiveness of your business across three performance categories
  • To compare your Business Health Score with other businesses to see how you stack up

"It’s not a final exam or an SAT score, it's really here to serve you," said Justin MacDonald, an entrepreneur/LCM expert. "It's a guiding prompt to have you go through a self-discovery, to reflect on your business in this framework. So, be merciful and be honest, and hopefully what it does is create moments of clarity, and a little bit of helpful anxiety like, ‘Oh my gosh, there's waste right here,' or 'There's a gap right here,' and you transform that into opportunity. I'm confident what you'll find is something will be so clear and so compelling that you realize, 'Hey, I need to cancel my plans for this afternoon and go put something in place that addresses this thing right now,'—whatever that area is. And that would be an amazing step forward."

So, what opportunities is your business missing out on? Take the quick yet insightful assessment to find out and get a free strategy session with our small business experts.

Here’s how it works: After completing the assessment, you’ll receive a Business Health Score that compares your business to other businesses that have taken the assessment. The results will present a clear, visual understanding of opportunities for your business, and provide tangible, strategic next steps that you can take to implement Lifecycle Automation in your business immediately.

Keap has spent 18 years perfecting the LCM framework and the assessment rubric. Trust us, it works. Check out just a few rave reviews we’ve received:

“Once I took the Lifecycle Automation assessment, I was able to fill the holes in my business and start seeing success. I identified the gaps, and I was able to start focusing on automating my business to engage with leads more, and follow-up better.” -- Nuno Silva, Papeloja

"After implementing Lifecycle Automation in my business, my revenue grew by 150% in nine months. The fundamentals of Lifecycle Automation are the key to business success." -- Misty Kortes, Your Marketing Coach

Don’t mistake the LCM Assessment as a silver bullet; you still have to put in the work. Every time you shine a light on one of the LCM systems and put plans for improvement in place, you can check that box off and then go to the next one. Gradually, you’ll see overall improvement and very positive results for your business.

“The goal is that you walk away from the assessment with a completely new and fresh perspective of how you’re managing the journey of your customers,” Keap co-founder Scott Martineau said. “It’s a very cathartic exercise, but more than that, you’ll identify the top priorities for you and your business to go tackle. I guarantee that when you go through this assessment process that you're going to quickly see areas of opportunity and waste in your business.”

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