Founder(s): Steve Cook
Industry: Life coaching
Employees: 17 (+ Keap)
Joined Keap: 2014
hours worked per day
Entrepreneurs are accustomed to investing long hours into their ventures to make their dreams of financial freedom a reality. It can even be a source of pride. But the cost of the hustle is often relationships and quality of life.
Jason Wojciechowski (Wojo) learned this the hard way while running three side ventures in addition to his full-time job. One night, when he was working late as usual, his wife came into his office and said she wanted a divorce.
“She said that she felt like we were roommates,” recalls Jason. “She felt like she didn't know me anymore because I was working all the time. I told her that in three or five years we’d never have to worry about money or business again, but she didn't care at all. She wanted the man she had married. I had failed as a husband because I had put the responsibilities of work ahead of everything.”
Even when he wasn’t working, Jason’s mind was often still at work. “I’d pick up my daughter from school, ask her ‘How was school today?’ and she'd start chatting. But I wasn’t there mentally. She'd be talking, and I could see her mouth moving, but I wasn’t thinking about it. I was thinking about work, all the things I had to get done.”
Now, several years later, his situation has completely turned around, and when his mom was diagnosed with stage four lung cancer he was able to step away from his business and be fully present with his mother as she went through treatment.
“My business was running just fine. It didn't need me to be there,” recalls Jason. “I could sit with my mom while she got treatments. I looked at her, not knowing how much time I had left with her, taking in every second of that. And I wasn’t thinking about my business, I wasn’t worried about that. Those are the kinds of things that are priceless.”
Keap’s sales and marketing automation was instrumental in helping Jason achieve the flexibility and time freedom that made this possible.
During his entrepreneurial journey, Jason became an enthusiastic client of Lifeonaire, a coaching company dedicated to helping investors and entrepreneurs live abundant and prosperous lives. So great was his passion and dedication, he was invited by the founder, Steve Cook, to join the company as a partner and CEO in 2016.
At that time the company was doing good work and making money, but didn’t have the automated processes needed to scale, so Jason was doing nearly everything himself.
“I was working way more than I wanted to,” recalls Jason. “The habit I had of working more than I should, I took that with me from my previous businesses right into Lifeonaire. That's what I knew. I didn't know there was a different way.”
The company had a subscription to Keap, but the team was only using it to send email broadcasts to promote events and for billing. Steve suggested to Jason that they cancel their subscription and switch to an email software like Mailchimp or Aweber since email was all they were using it for.
Before canceling, Jason wanted to research what Keap could do to make sure they were making an intelligent decision. He found a campaign builder YouTube video by Tyler Garns from Box Out Marketing, a Keap Certified Partner. That's when he discovered the possibilities Keap could open up for his company.
“I know this sounds silly, but it's like the clouds parted. For the first time, I saw the incredible capabilities of what Keap could do,” says Jason.
“So I took it upon myself and dove in head first. I was so intrigued and fascinated by it, I wanted to learn how to do it. I was geeking out on it. And one by one, campaign by campaign, things started radically changing.”
Four years later, Jason has automated nearly every repetitive aspect of the Lifeonaire business, and his team, customers and prospects are reaping the rewards.
“I don’t know what we’d do if we didn’t have Keap,” says Jason. “We drop way less balls now and make less mistakes. We have less need for staffing. We are more consistent in the quality and delivery of our services. Our prospects and customers have a better experience. We’re more organized. Putting all of this together, it’s really elevated the quality of the company, and it all comes back to using Keap as the centralized hub.”
By automating systems with Keap, Jason reduced his work day to around 4-5 hours. This gives him time to focus on high-level strategy.
“It also gave me all the personal time I could ask for,” says Jason. “I have plenty of time with my family. I can catch up with friends (when they’re not working!). I can travel freely. I have time for my hobbies like working out and playing guitar. I get to volunteer and serve. It’s awesome and I can't imagine it getting any better.”
Not only does automation help the business operate more smoothly, but it also makes it possible to do things that simply wouldn’t have gotten done otherwise.
“It’s transformed our entire business from the inside out,” says Jason. “Keap has allowed us to automate an incredible number of processes which previously we either ran manually (with lots of mistakes) or not at all. Even more importantly, it’s generated very tangible results for us.”
In the past year, Lifeonaire has:
The extra revenue has allowed Lifeonaire to invest in new ideas and programs, and also increase owner compensation.
The automated systems also allowed the Lifeonaire founder, Steve, to take three months away from the business — his first sabbatical in 20 years. “Because of what we created in the business, he didn't have to be there,” says Jason.
Before he and Steve started living the entrepreneurial dream, Jason put in a lot of work to automate Lifeonaire’s processes in Keap — most critically, customer follow-up.
“Keap is really powerful for following up on things that you're not going to do manually,” says Jason. “Imagine for a moment how many leads and prospects you lose touch with because you don’t follow up with them. For the ones you do reach out to, how many times do they hear from you? Do customers buy a product from you once, and then you disappear off the face of the earth?”
“Without automated follow-up, it’s like having a leaky bucket,” Jason explains. “As business owners we have this bucket, and it has all these holes. And as you’re pouring water in, it’s squirting out everywhere. Those are your customers, those are your leads, those are your prospects who are missing out. If you have something that provides a real benefit to your people, you’re doing them a disservice by not plugging those holes.”
To fill those holes in Lifeonaire’s bucket and automate just about everything in his customer lifecycle, Jason uses his favorite Keap feature, the campaign builder.
Here’s how Jason describes one of Lifeonaire’s lead generation campaigns:
Jason likes the way automation can be tailored specifically to whatever he’s doing so it comes off naturally and doesn’t feel impersonal.
He also likes how the campaign builder allows him to provide multiple paths depending on each customer’s behavior.
“Clients and prospects are not always going to do what you want them to do,” he explains. “They're not going to follow your ideal formula and the path you’ve laid out. And so, it's important that you have multiple ways to provide value to those people wherever they are.”
Other campaigns Lifeonaire uses often are billing automation, sales pipeline, call reminders for members, appointment reminders for podcast guests, membership site management, member retention, nurture campaigns, and email subscription preferences.
Another game-changer for Lifeonaire has been using internal forms for events and member management. This ensures consistent data entry by team members, and makes it easy to manually fire off an automated process.
“For our member management internal form, we have the ability to move people to different coaching groups and add complimentary access to certain things,” explains Jason. “If someone wants to switch a group, click this button, and put them over here. Click the button, give them that. We can pause memberships. We can give a time period of a free membership and a trial.”
Jason admits there is a learning curve and some hard work in the beginning, but he explains it’s well worth the investment up front to reap the long-term rewards.
“If you are contemplating Keap, you need to dive in,” advises Jason. “If you don't know what that first step should be, find people who have used it already. Keap is a transformational tool in your tool belt of business, and the possibilities are endless. Get in there, know your business, and start plugging away one thing at a time. You learn, you implement, then you tweak and refine… It's a cycle that will lead you upward and upward with business growth.”
“A millionaire has a lot of money, but a Lifeonaire has a lot of life.”
Lifeonaire is a Christian-based life and business coaching organization dedicated to helping people live abundant and prosperous lives. Many have achieved great wealth, but few with great wealth have also achieved great lives. Lifeonaire helps people make more, work less, and create lives and businesses they love. To learn more, get their free guide, How to Create a Wildly Profitable Business You Love That Runs On Autopilot.
Try Keap and see how automation can set you free.
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