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Learn how Papeloja grew by 800% in mere months

Sales and marketing automation took Papeloja Paper from chaos to growth

Papeloja at a glance

Founder(s): Nuno Silva

Industry: Specialty Paper Wholesaler

Employees: 2 (+ Keap)

Joined Keap: 2020

Key Result


revenue growth in just a few months



  • Contacts scattered all over
  • Couldn’t retrieve critical information
  • Disjointed customer experience



  • Client information organized using Keap’s CRM
  • Could easily automate follow-up with customers
  • Nuno was saving time and watching his growth accelerate

Papeloja grows by 800% in just months

Nuno’s wholesale specialty paper business began modestly—

Like many of us, Nuno had a solid career, but knew he wasn’t happy working for someone else. “ I was never very good at taking orders from bosses. So, I have the freedom to do what I want, to try my own ideas, my own dreams.”

When Nuno’s paper wholesale business was stunted by the pandemic, he realized what started as a crisis was an opportunity in disguise. “When Covid started, the business-to-business went down to zero and it was a bigger chunk of my company.”

Nuno set out to turn things around and grow his business with the help of and Keap’s sales and marketing automation platform. He recounted the story of finding new revenue amid chaos—“I had to fight and it's kind of... It's what saved me. Business-to-consumer (my online store) was what got me through Covid. I was able to compensate with Business-to-consumer what I lost in business-to-business. It's been kind of a struggle but it's been very fun.”

Nuno saw the potential automation created for his business, so he took advantage of Keap’s education and support resources. Soon he was saving time and converting more leads. How did he achieve it?

"I started attending online classes from Keap. I started to see some basic campaigns like follow-up which I implemented right away. Now everyone that buys from my online store, automatically when the order gets delivered, they receive an email three days later asking them how it was and then asking them to review us on Google."

Today Nuno’s online business is thriving and he’s in great shape for the future.

"Business went up like a rocket!"

Nuno and Papeloja—Pre-Keap

Nuno describes his pre-Keap experience as a “muddle and perfect chaos.” Contacts were scattered all over the place and he couldn’t easily retrieve critical information. Often, Nuno would communicate with a customer on social media, not realizing it was the same customer he had just messaged via email. This disjointed customer experience was a disaster and not a recipe for next-level growth.

“Customer Relationship Management (CRM) was a foreign word to me,” Nuno admits. “The thought of having CRM technology to manage my business and connect all my important tasks together seemed to be a far off fantasy.”

During Nuno’s search to organize his client data and grow his business amidst the chaos of a global pandemic, he found the solution...eventually - an automation tool with a robust CRM suited for a wholesale distributor like Papeloja “I was trying out another CRM software program, but kept bumping into Keap. I liked it a lot better than the other software because everything was easier.” Nuno said. “I signed up for Keap and I’ve never looked back.” said Nuno.

Nuno and Papeloja—Post-Keap

Now that Nuno had his client information organized using Keap’s CRM, he could take the next step and really accelerate his business growth. It was time for Papeloja Paper to get automated. Using Keap’s sales and marketing automation, Nuno could easily filter and organize his contacts, store notes, and follow up with customers. He was saving time and watching his growth accelerate.

“Automation takes a huge load off my shoulders and provides immediate, actionable information. It’s been instrumental in helping me rapidly build my online business.”

For businesses like Nuno’s, Keap is an immediate game changer. Here’s how he described his experience—“After my first few months working with Keap I felt I had a third very efficient employee that never needed to eat or sleep.”

Nuno now had a single platform handling his sales and marketing processes automatically, while leveraging client data for a truly optimized customer journey. Or, to hear him tell it—“With Keap not only do I have a place where all my contacts are together and cohesive, where I can check the information for every single contact and what they've done with my campaigns and stuff like that, but also I was able to start thinking as a process.”

Papeloja paper was beginning to emerge from the pandemic better than they started. It was time to add the secret sauce—Lifecycle Automation

Automation + Lifecycle Automation = Exponential Growth

Nuno is quick to credit Lifecycle Automation for his rapid (over 800%) growth.

“I never had those numbers before! My work is faster and easier than ever and I have more freedom. I also love seeing my customers achieve their goals and know that we are making them happy with our products.”

Lifecycle Automation is the strategy Keap has developed and curated over 20 years of helping small businesses grow sales, while saving time. By optimizing every customer’s behavior and experience in your process you can not only convert more leads into clients, but you can create predictable and repeatable revenue streams that produce revenue month after month, year after year and beyond.

Nuno uses Lifecycle Automation as an easy yet powerful way to guide his customers through a clearly defined cycle, which helps qualify leads, cater to their specific needs, complete the sale with a stellar customer experience, and complete that cycle over and over again. He’s started seeing increases in recurring revenue from his customer base almost immediately.

“I firmly believe that if you want to succeed in this day and age, you need to build a cycle that serves you as well as your customers.”

Nuno saw 800% growth

How much will your business grow? Try it for yourself and find out.

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