🎉 Keap is now a part of Thryv! Click here to learn more about the acquisition.

Zapier integrations

Keap plus Zapier logos.

Save time and money!

Connect to over 2,000 apps with Keap’s free Zapier integration. Zapier is free of charge for Keap customers. Infusionsoft users get a free premium Zapier integration for the first 90 days.

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Your business apps, fully integrated

Zapier connects Keap with thousands of other apps to automate your work.

Now it’s easier than ever to link your apps to share data and build faster processes.

Use Zapier to instantly connect Keap with 2,000+ apps like:

  • Acuity
  • Calendly
  • Eventbrite
  • Facebook
  • Shopify
  • Typeform
Diagram of software companies who integrate via Zapier.

Connect Zapier to save time

Zapier is an online automation tool that connects your Keap app to the apps you need to run your business.

  • Connect two or more apps to automate repetitive tasks without coding or relying on developers.
  • Move info between your web apps automatically so you can focus on your most important work.
  • Build workflows with just a few clicks.

* For a complete list of Zapier Premium integrations visit this page. At the completion of the trial users can select a package level that best suits their business needs based on price and usage. Visit the Zapier pricing page for more details.

Keap does not provide a warranty on Zapier purchases.

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