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Play Blueprint: Sales Pipeline

Convert clients by automating a seamless journey from lead to prospect to paying client.


How it works

The Sales Pipeline Play helps you track all of your deals as they progress through your sales process. The sales pipeline is a digital representation of all your sales opportunities and where they are in your sales process at any given time.

As individual deals move through the sales pipeline, automations can be used to send messages and create tasks for your team based on where the deal is in the sales process and what needs to happen next.

Automating repetitive parts of your sales pipeline prevents deals from falling through the cracks and frees up your sales team to spend more time on sales calls. It also helps you forecast sales for the next week, month, or quarter.

This play is ideal for businesses with a consultative sales process where some (or all) of your deals take a little longer to close and need to be kept track of. It can also be used for service fulfillment stages.

Pro tip

This play is only as powerful as you choose to make it. Don’t be afraid to add in automation at any stage to ensure the process is moving as efficiently as possible.


    What you’ll need

    Pipeline stages

    Stage automation

    Daily pipeline management

    Effort Level



    Daily use

    1. Pipeline stages

      These are the steps in your sales process. You can customize the stages however you need to, but the most common ones are New Lead, Qualifying, Quoted, Negotiating, Closed Won and Closed Lost.

    2. Stage automation

      Automation in your sales pipeline is triggered when moving a deal into or out of one of your sales stages. You can have automations that add or remove tags, create and assign tasks, send emails or texts, or send notifications of the deal’s progress to internal stakeholders.

    3. Daily pipeline management

      You’ll also need a process for daily review of where your deals have progressed (or not) in your sales pipeline.

      Pipeline management is how you stay on top of important data such as if:

      • Deals are beginning to back up at a certain stage
      • A new lead is getting old
      • A quote is about to expire
      • A bunch of leads are ready to close but not enough new leads are entering the pipeline

    Managing your sales pipeline daily allows you to analyze your workflow, forecast potential revenue, regulate lead flow, and avoid pinch points in your sales process

    Pro tip

    You may want to have multiple pipelines running at the same time, such as for different salespeople or sales processes, or for service tickets or fulfillment processes.


    How to set up the play

    Below is a step-by-step plan to execute this play like a pro, including:

    • Setting up custom sales stages that match your sales process from new lead all the way to closed/won
    • Setting up automations to launch when you move any deal into or out of any of your stages
    • Creating a process for staying on top of your sales pipeline as leads move through it

    Step 1: Create your pipeline stages

    The first step is to map out your sales ideal process, breaking it down into stages that make sense to you. If you need somewhere to begin, start with:

    1. New Lead
    2. Qualifying
    3. Quoted
    4. Negotiating
    5. Closed Won
    6. Closed Lost

    One way to think about dividing your pipeline stages is by what you want to be able to see at a glance. For example, you might want to see everyone who:

    • You’ve sent a quote to
    • Has accepted the quote
    • You’ve sent a contract to
    • Has signed a contract
    • Has been sent an invoice
    • Has paid their invoice

    Another way to think about it is by ending every stage at a critical decision/action point in the sales process. For example, when a lead:

    1. Reaches out
    2. Schedules a call
    3. Requests a quote
    4. Accepts a quote
    5. Signs a contract
    6. Pays an invoice

    See where we're going with this? Add all the stages that you need in order to get a complete, at-a-glance picture of where your deals are in your sales process.

    Checkpoints to launch

    Analyze your sales process and break it down into stages

    Set up your stages in the pipeline section of your CRM

    Step 2: Set up your stage automation

    Your sales team’s time is best utilized talking to leads, not sending emails. Automate all the repetitive tasks and communications in between human interactions and you’ll free up your team to close more leads without having to hire more sales staff.

    Some automations will only be seen internally by your team, like a reminder to make a call or send a quote, and others will be external, like an email to a prospect reminding them to pay an invoice.

    One example is automatically generating a task to send a quote when a deal is moved into the quoting stage, and an email that follows up on the quote a few days after the quote is sent.

    Another example is scheduling a task to follow up on a contract a certain number of days after a deal is moved into the Contract Sent stage, unless the deal has moved into the Contract Signed stage by then.

    Checkpoints to launch

    Write the copy for any automated communication that will happen throughout your stages (emails, texts, etc.)

    Assign automation to stages that require communication or tasks

    Set up tags to use for reporting when a contact completes each stage

    Publish and test all automations

    Pro tip

    Automate adding a “status” tag to the deal when it is moved into a stage, and have that tag automatically removed when the deal is moved out of the stage. This allows you to easily find contacts based on the sales stage their deal is in and set up reporting that gives you a real-time view of how many leads are in each stage.

    Step 3: Daily pipeline management

    Your deals are progressing on a daily, and sometimes hourly basis, so you need to create a habit for managing your sales pipeline. In this step, you’ll design your process for staying on top of everything.

    Daily pipeline management is important for a few reasons:

    • You want your pipeline as current as possible at the end of every day because we forget things when we go to sleep at night
    • You don’t want deals falling through the cracks
    • The automation that launches when a deal moves to the next stage won’t run until the deal is moved into the correct stage

    Here are a few ways you can make sure this critical work gets done:

    • Schedule the same time every day to manage your pipeline
    • Put notifications on your calendar at certain times throughout the day
    • Create recurring tasks to run reports and perform analysis
    • Get in the habit of updating a deal as soon as you get off a call with a prospect

    After about 3 weeks, managing the pipeline will become natural, but in the beginning, you’ll have to be really intentional about it.

    Checkpoints to launch

    Create a strategy to make time (and reminders) every day for pipeline management.

    Stick to it!

    Assess how well it’s working and adjust your process if needed.


    Primary metric: Number of wins

    To track the success of your sales pipeline play in your CRM, look at these stats:

    • Number of wins (sales)
    • Number (and percentage) of people who advanced to each stage

    The ultimate test of how well your sales pipeline is working is how many leads make it to your last stage. To get your overall conversion rate, compare the number of contacts who have that final tag with the number who entered the first stage.

    However, you’ll also want to run reports to see which stages have the lowest conversion rate. This will tell you where to focus on improving your sales process — either the process itself, or how you have automation set up for that stage.

    Ready to get started building this play so you can convert more leads? Sign up for a free trial of Keap, then watch this replay as the Keap Academy experts show you how to leverage the power of sales pipeline automation.

Boost your lead capture by automating this play
in Keap

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