As an entrepreneur, networking, trade shows, and conferences are just another day at the “office.” Typically, these events produce blizzards of business cards that accumulate in your wallet, handbag, or computer bag, like so many tons of plowed snow.
This is a good thing. What’s not a good thing is setting aside the time it takes to manually enter all those new contacts into your database. Rarely, if ever, do you have the time to send follow-ups to everyone you met, even if you know it could benefit your business down the road.
There’s an app for that
The mobile product team at Infusionsoft has created a faster and simpler way to upload contact information from business cards to your Infusionsoft contact list. Available for iPhone users, the Infusionsoft mobile app features a new Business Card Reader that’s intuitively designed and takes just a few seconds per card.
A one-step upload process
All you do is snap a photo of a business card with your phone and the app identifies and correctly populates up to 10 unique fields of information in Infusionsoft for you (first and last name, email, phone number, fax, job title, social media, etc.). It’s fast and accurate, but you can review and edit before you add a person to your contact list. The information is instantly available everywhere - through any phones or computers you use to access leads and clients in Infusionsoft.
“Ok, great,” you may be saying, “but I already have a different business card reader app that I use.” Fair enough. How much time you spend manually transferring the information from that app into your Infusionsoft app? No other app will get the job done faster, or in a single step. Oh, and did we mention that our Business Card Reader is included at no additional cost with your Infusionsoft subscription?
The business card reader for iPhone is available for free for all lnfusionsoft users now - to download our app now, visit the Apple App Store here.
Not an Infusionsoft customer, but want to try it out? Sign up for a free trial today.