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Keap launches new contact record, activity feed

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Dave Vest

Keap launches new contact record

Keap users are enjoying the many CRM improvements launched recently, including a new contact record and activity feed.

These updates allow users to easily view activity associated with a contact and take action directly from within the contact record. All actions are organized by activity type and displayed as cards in the contact activity feed, consistent with the Keap Mobile experience.

"We've worked to unify the mobile and desktop experience, as this grouped card view aligns with the contact record on mobile," said Ashley Linford, an Associate Product Manager at Keap.

Check out the benefits:

Action buttons

Using the new action buttons atop the contact record, users can easily take actions such as make a call, send a text or email, add tags, schedule an appointment, and/or add payments directly from the contact record without having to navigate to another page.

"Previously, the users had buttons, but they worked really more as tabs for that activity type," Linford said. "Now they're action buttons that will save users clicks from having to go into different parts of the contact record to take action. For example, with 'tags,' which is one of our most-used actions, now users can just quickly click on 'tag' and get that tag added right away."

Being able to text from within the desktop contact record is a major upgrade.

"With the new contact record, for customers with a Keap Business Line, they will be able to view and send texts directly from a specific contact record instead of only on the combined Messages tab, or on their phone," Linford said.

This is a big hit with users.

"We're so stoked to see the Messages start coming up on this exact page (the contact record)," said Heather Goracke, a Keap Pro user. "It's the one thing we've really been hoping for."

Activity feed

The new activity feed, which is consistent with the mobile activity feed, makes it easier to quickly view and access updated information about a contact. It's now grouped by activity cards such as emails, tasks, notes, money, pipeline, etc., so users can easily click into one of the cards and take action.

Keap tailored the ordering of the cards to match the needs of our customers. Overdue invoices are pushed toward the top of the feed to let users know that they need to take action, and to help them pick up where they left off. Overdue tasks, missed calls and unread texts will also surface to the top of this list.

"This new contact record will bring the important actions right to the top, directly in front of our customer's eyes, allowing them to stay in contact, expand their business, and get paid," Linford said.

Users are raving about the new "cleaner look."

"Part of what works for me is to have that clean look to be able to see things easily," said Stefanie Ardoin, a Keap Grow user. "Having the cards set up like that, as opposed to just text, it's easier on the eyes."

Jack Holley, a Keap Pro user, agrees.

"It's easier for me to find what I'm looking for," Holley said. 'If I'm on the phone with somebody, and I want to see 'What did I talk about (with them) last time,' rather than searching through all the dates to find our last meeting, I can just go to Notes, pop it up, and it's right there for me."

Contact information

Critical contact information—name, company, email, phone—is now conveniently displayed at the top of the contact record and can be easily viewed and edited by clicking on the contact avatar.

Also, the contact list positioned on the left side is more consistent in how it displays details, especially if some names and email are missing.

Key takeaway

The new contact record makes it easy to take actions directly from the contact record and displays the contact activity feed that is grouped by activity type and consistent with the Keap Mobile experience. Start using it today!

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