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Product Update | 3 min read

Keap’s Hackathon fixes bugs, improves CRM

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Laura Dolan

Keap’s Hackathon fixes bugs, improves CRM

Have you ever had a good day where everything is going great and suddenly one little thing goes wrong and it’s all you can fixate on for the rest of the day? Or you’re watching your favorite Netflix show on your beautiful 65-inch flat screen TV and there’s a broken pixel that your eyes just can’t see past? It’s these little things that drive us bonkers and as a result, make it hard to focus on what truly matters, growing our business.

At Keap, we get this. We do our very best to listen to your feedback and fix those issues as quickly as possible.

What’s a Hackathon?

Over the summer, we held a hackathon for the sole purpose of addressing these little things. What’s a hackathon? Great question! At Keap, a hackathon is an event where hundreds of engineers work around the clock for 48 hours to make your life better. The team tackled those little things that can be so irritating, throwing us off our game. Every one of the following updates was driven by you! You told us what was broken, we fixed it. Simple as that. So in no particular order, here are the things we fixed:

Merge field improvement

When you add a merge field for a social media account, the merge field now properly links to the social media account for the owner of the contact. For instance, if Joe’s the owner of the contact, it will show Joe’s Twitter account, not someone else’s. If you’re running a sales team with more than one person on it, this one applies to you.

For those who make it a habit of maxing out their regular fields as well as custom fields, now you can use a search bar at the top of the merge field dropdown menu to quickly find the right one when creating an email or a communication of any kind. There’s a few precious seconds added back into your day.

Terms and conditions checkbox added

Your terms and conditions are important, and were written for a reason. Your customers shouldn’t be able to just skip through them. Now, you can add a checkbox in an order form that requires them to click before proceeding. A small added layer of legal protection for you and your small business.

Delay timers for business days

Your personalized automations don’t look so appealing when they occur on a Sunday morning at 8 a.m. during a holiday weekend. Now, you can set the delay timer to only deliver during business days.

Webforms searching

If you leverage webforms throughout your interconnected network of campaigns, you can now see all of your webforms in one convenient place, and in which campaign they live. This will eliminate the occurrence of blindly clicking through campaigns trying to find that one webform you need to update.

Database cleanup

This one you won’t see, but you might notice a difference. We did some database cleanup that should make your app run a little faster and smoother. It will help your campaigns load a little quicker as well, again adding more time back into your busy schedule.

Merchant ID display

Finally, if you are using a merchant with multiple accounts, you can now see the merchant ID on reports and setup pages.

Going forward, if you see something, say something. Please keep those requests coming and we’ll be happy to jump in and fix any problems that you notice or are impeding your progress in running a successful business. We devote our hackathons to improve our software and help make your Keap experience with Grow, Pro and Infusionsoft the best it can be for you and your customers.

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