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Payments | 2 min read

Time is Money: The Cost of Cash

Time is money

by Zack Colman

The old saying may be tired, but it is just as true today as it always has been: Time is money. Few know this better than a small business owner. But there is one aspect of your business that you may not recognize as eating up your time: cash (and, to a lesser extent, checks). The time may seem trivial, but it adds up.

For example, have you thought about how often you need to go to the bank to deposit your cash? Or the time it takes to add that money up to fill out your deposit slip? Or the time it takes to manually enter that purchase information into Infusionsoft? The little blocks of time begin to add up to a lot of time spent managing money instead of managing your business. In fact, one study has estimated the cost of cash to be $55 billion to businesses in the United States alone.

Don’t be a part of that $55 billion.

That’s where Infusionsoft Payments is ready to help your business. With no setup cost or monthly fees and rates of just 2.9 percent plus 30 cents (in the United States and Canada) or 1.9 percent plus 20 pence (in the UK) per purchase, Infusionsoft Payments takes the time cost out of accepting payments. After just a few minutes spent setting up your account (for the majority of clients), you can set your bank settlement to occur daily, weekly, or monthly.

And that’s it. No more worries about planning trips to the bank. No more counting up pieces of paper. And no more spending $55 billion to manage money. Each transaction is seamlessly entered into Infusionsoft and available for your reporting needs.

If you’re interested in Infusionsoft Payments, follow these steps to sign up today.

As much as we would love everyone to use Infusionsoft Payments, it is not a perfect solution for all businesses, which is why we have partnered up with other processors and gateways to give you options. We support PayPal, Authorize.Net, First Data, PowerPay, EWay, Network Merchants, CartConnect, and Network Merchants, with more to come in the future. With options like these, you’ll be sure to find one that fits your business needs.

Below are a few of the businesses Infusionsoft Payments currently cannot support:

  • Businesses headquartered outside the United States, UK, or Canada
  • Adult content
  • Regulated substances and nutritional supplements
  • Gambling
  • Lead generation
  • Weaponry

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