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What Makes a Great Lead Magnet?

A lead magnet is a crucial centerpiece in your lead capture strategy, but determining what people want to read in exchange for their information can be harder than it sounds. For insight into all things lead magnet, our director of content Carey Ballard and demand gen specialist Jared Kimball speak with Molly Pittman, VP of marketing at DigitalMarketer.

Carey, Molly, and Jared talk about creating content that is  relevant to the day-to-day pains your target audience experiences; how to determine what format your content should be in; and how to use that content and build your funnel around it.

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Carey Ballard: Thank for tuning in. This is the Small Business Success Podcast. I’m Carey Ballard and with here with me today we have two very special guests to start talking really in depth about some content strategy. Today we have us a very special guest, Molly Pittman, the VP of Marketing from DigitalMarketer. Hi, Molly.

Molly Pittman: Hey, Molly. Thanks for having me.

Carey Ballard: Absolutely. Super glad you could join us today. And then we also have our internal expert here, Jared Kimball. He is our Demand Gen Specialist. Hi, Jared.

Jared Kimball: Hello, Carey and Molly.

Carey Ballard: It’s great to have you back.

Molly Pittman: Go, Jared!

Carey Ballard: I know. He’s got that great radio voice too. He keeps us all in check too. I love it.

Molly Pittman: [Laughs]

Carey Ballard: I could only dream of having a voice like that. Today we’re kicking off a very special two part series on content marketing. We’re going to dig into content creation today and then tune in for the second one and we’re gonna dig into lead magnets and setting up an optimal customer journey.

So, digging in straight away we have talked an awful lot about how important content is to demand gen and strategy for lead conversion for customers. We wanted to start talking about what makes a really great content piece.


So Molly, can you tell us a little bit? How do you guys start strategizing on what type of content to create for your campaigns?

Molly Pittman: Yeah, absolutely. So if we’re talking about creating lead magnets, so something we’re gonna use in exchange for someone’s contact information, really that usually starts as a blog post, a podcast episode or a YouTube video.

So we’re constantly publishing ungated content on our website, on the podcast and we’re really trying to figure out what speaks to the audience. So if we find that a blog post or a podcast episode has a lot of visits or a high number of downloads that seem to really resonate with the audience, we know that that’s a pain point or a topic that we should use and we should create other forms of content around that subject matter.


Carey Ballard: So that makes a lot of sense, but I’m wondering farther up the process, what does your brainstorming process look like? Do you do investigative work, interviews with customers, things like that to even -

Molly Pittman: Yeah.

Carey Ballard: I know for a lot of our customers they don’t even know where to start.

Molly Pittman: Definitely. Honestly, we usually start by doing research online. So we’re either looking in forums, so whatever market we’re trying to speak to, we’ll find forums where these people were talking about that particular subject. We’ll really investigate the language they’re using, what grade level they might be.

Carey Ballard: Uh-huh.

Molly Pittman: Really what their pain points are though.

Carey Ballard: Yeah.

Molly Pittman: So what are these people talking about? What pain points are they trying to overcome? We will even look at Amazon reviews for products in that market to really further investigate the pain point of those people.

Carey Ballard: So how they’re asking the questions, what words are they using?

Molly Pittman: Oh, absolutely.

Carey Ballard: What words are they not using?

Molly Pittman: Yeah. What’s bothering them day-to-day.

Carey Ballard: Yeah. And I think the research that’s available is really helpful for some businesses in this front because we might assume people use language and then we find that when they search for the terms they don’t use that at all.


Molly Pittman: Absolutely. And you have to do research because you know, you either are this person. You are a part of this market. You live it day-to-day, so therefore this will be easier for you, so most of us don’t really know much about the people we’re marketing to. Surprisingly.

Carey Ballard: Yeah.

Molly Pittman: So research is so important. It’s honestly what we spend the most time doing.

Carey Ballard: So that’s a great point. When you look at the – I don’t know – the full amount of time that you spend on content and creation, do you say research is 30 percent? Is it ten percent? Does it end up 50 percent of the process? What’s typical?

Molly Pittman: Yeah. I’d say it’s 50 percent of the process.

Carey Ballard: Yeah, the same.

Molly Pittman: Because we don’t want to waste our time.

Carey Ballard: Right. And I think when I say research too I’m kind of rolling and testing like you were alluding to that -

Molly Pittman: Absolutely.

Carey Ballard: - research sometimes is putting out an assumption and seeing how it plays in the market and then changing, iterating from there.


Molly Pittman: Definitely. And the more that you put out there and the bigger your customer base, the more feedback you’ll start to receive right?

Carey Ballard: Yep.

Molly Pittman: So in the beginning you want to do that research, but you want to create the pillar pieces of contents - see how people respond – but after time you know you’ll start to – you’ll start to get feedback from customers and you’ll learn other pieces of content that they’re looking for.

Carey Ballard: Yeah.

Molly Pittman: What other needs can you fulfill that they have?

Carey Ballard: So that’s where – and we’ve talked a little bit about this in the last podcast, but a lot of our customers we find that they have a lot of paralysis once they get into the where do I start?

Molly Pittman: Right.

Carey Ballard: And one of the recommendations that a lot of our coaches give is pick your best performing product first. Not all your products, but pick your – really your favorite product and then you go and look at that product and say, "What does it solve for? Give me three questions or pain points to your language that this problem solves or this product solves," and then build content streams off of that and that’s really kind of the one, two, three of how to get started.

Molly Pittman: Yeah. I love that and we really talk about the concept of splintering, so how can you pull a piece of that product out of the product, right?


Carey Ballard: Uh-huh.

Molly Pittman: And maybe create a blog post about it or a YouTube video. Then when you go to actually pitch the product it makes so much sense to the end user because it’s, "Hey, you just bought an apple. Wouldn’t you like a fruit basket?" Right?

Carey Ballard: Right.

Molly Pittman: It’s basically getting more of what they already have.

Carey Ballard: Absolutely. We sometimes call those kind of micro streams where we’re bringing them in with this problem statement and then just keep building on top of it.

Molly Pittman: Absolutely.

Carey Ballard: So that you explain that you understand it and, "Oh, by the way, we also sell for that." So -

Molly Pittman: Totally.

Carey Ballard: - it’s walking them down that path. Very cool.

Molly Pittman: Yeah. I love it.

Carey Ballard: So, the creation. We’ve talked a lot about formats and Jared and I work on this a lot together at Infusionsoft. How do you determine what format to create the content in? Cause I know there’s video. There’s podcast. There’s -

Molly Pittman: Right.

Carey Ballard: There’s blogs. There’s really tactical tool kit.

Molly Pittman: Right. I mean it really depends on the goal of the piece of content,


so if we’re creating something that’s gated that’s really going to be used within a sales funnel, that’s going to be more platform or it’s going to be more specific because we know that if we’re having them opt in for a guide, it needs to be a PDF on the next page, right? But if we’re testing ungated content, it’s really whatever that content expert feels most comfortable doing.

So for example, I used to do a lot of writing and then the busier I got, audio is a lot easier, right?

Carey Ballard: It is. Yeah.

Molly Pittman: So most of the content I produced is on the podcast, so as a company we really try to diversify, so that we’re catering to every type of content consumer. Some people like to read. Some people like to watch a video on YouTube. Some people want a podcast, so we try to meet people where they are, but when it comes to a specific piece of content, it’s really whatever the producer or the person who’s actually writing or speaking feels most comfortable doing.


Carey Ballard: Yeah. That makes sense and I think one of the things that we found here and Jared, you can chime in if you agree, but that it also depends on – there’s two things you’re matching – where do people ask that question typically? So if it’s a how to and it’s really technical like if we were teaching someone how to use a software, YouTube makes really good sense. Like the visual help -

Molly Pittman: Absolutely.

Carey Ballard: - of YouTube is perfect where I might not be comfortable on YouTube and I’m the subject matter expert, so I’ve got to figure out how do I match what audiences are looking for with what the person creating the content is comfortable with.

Molly Pittman: Yeah. Totally. And also, we’re just putting hooks in the water, right? We kind of look at it like fishing. Like if you were to put 50 hooks in the water, which ones caught the most fish and our ungated content is really there to put all of these hooks out into the water. If we see that one’s really successful and say it’s a blog post, then we’ll create a video about it, right?

Carey Ballard: Good.


Molly Pittman: Then we’ll create a podcast episode about it cause we know it was a good topic and we can repurpose it across different formats.

Carey Ballard: I love that and you know, one of the things I will say too, a lot of our small business listeners out there who I think or at least this what I hear when I talk to them is that it’s just too much to have to do all of these different types of platforms, but what I find is once you get into it, a podcast in all honesty and Molly I think you can back us up on this is not that tough to put together in the grand scheme of things.

Molly Pittman: Exactly.

Carey Ballard: And it’s pretty fun to pull off when you do it and the same with video. Like the technology that has been introduced into the market just allows for almost anybody to create some pretty authentic pieces. I’m not talking high end production value pieces, but you could really connect with your audience on multiple platforms these days.

Molly Pittman: Right. I mean that’s why platforms like Facebook Live are so successful. I believe our generation especially and even us as human beings on the internet now don’t expect every piece of video that we see to be highly produced, -


so Facebook Live for example, you have someone that’s basically shooting a selfie video, but they have a ton of viewers and people are watching because it’s authentic and it’s real.

Carey Ballard: Yeah.

Molly Pittman: So that’s why you see apps like Boomerang, right? Different videos apps on your phone are so popular now because business owners are using them to really produce video for their market. You don’t have to have a highly produced video. You can simply download an app.

Carey Ballard: Yep. Absolutely.

Jared Kimball: Totally. And also I’d say to the beauty of like if you were to create content and you start with video, the amazing thing about it for a small business owner is that you can then strip out the video, turn it into some sort of audio piece of media. Then you can send it to a transcription service or do it yourself if you want to, but you can send it to a transcription service –


for a very affordable rate and then now you’ve got something that you can easily turn into an eBook or a guide or even -

Molly Pittman: Totally.

Jared Kimball: - turn it into a blog post.

Molly Pittman: Yeah. We used Rev.com – R-E-V.com and they create transcriptions of all of our podcast episodes, which is great for SEO.

Carey Ballard: Uh-huh.

Molly Pittman: Right?

Jared Kimball: Yeah.

Molly Pittman: So they’re transcriptions on all of our show notes and then yeah like you said, maybe you bundle that into a PDF and use that as a lead magnet or maybe you get a ghostwriter to turn that transcription into more of a blog post.

Carey Ballard: Absolutely. What is the company we use again? I forget.

Jared Kimball: Actually we use Rev as well.

Carey Ballard: Do we really?

Jared Kimball: Yeah.

Carey Ballard: Okay. All right. There ya go.

Jared Kimball: It’s a really good service.

Molly Pittman: All right.

Carey Ballard: That’s a double endorsement coming over here today.

[Laughter]I love it. All right, so we’ve talked a little bit about getting really clear on some of the product, where to start, how to do some research. I want to talk a little bit more about the context that you’re building and the content you’re building itself and I know Molly you have a pretty killer team. We’ve met some of them. They’re pretty amazing. Russell’s fantastic. 


Molly Pittman: Lucky. [Laughs]

Carey Ballard: Tell me a little bit about the process - I know - between you working as the person kind of putting that out into the ecosystem and your relationship with your editorial team, tell us a little bit about how that works.

Molly Pittman: Absolutely. I mean basically now we are one team. We’ve realized you can’t separate content and marketing. Content’s a function of marketing. They’re either producing pieces of content that we’re going to buy traffic to or they’re producing pieces of content that organically drive traffic to our website, right?

Carey Ballard: Yep.

Molly Pittman: So it’s kind of the right hand and the left hand working together. Really it’s a fluid relationship. There’s not necessarily a defined process, because it has happens when we figure out that there’s a hook in the water that’s catching a lot of fish, right?

Carey Ballard: Yeah.

Molly Pittman: So the content team is on a regular schedule of content production, so whether that’s YouTube, the blog, the podcast.


And when we find something that the audience really likes, right? It’s out of the ordinary. We know that it’s time to turn that into more of a piece of content for marketing, right?

Carey Ballard: Yep.

Molly Pittman: We know that it’s time to use that as an entry point offer for a funnel. We know it’s time to buy traffic to that, so it’s really just an open conversation of, "Here are the goals for the marketing team and here are the pieces of content that the editorial team is using and which ones are working best and how can those two fit together? How can we use this piece of content to sell this product?"

So the teams are very closely aligned. The content team knows all of the promotions of the marketing teams running. They know all of the pages we’re running traffic to, therefore they’re able to align and talk about the same subjects that we are. So it’s really helpful and again it’s not a super refined process, it’s really just open communication and us having meetings and constant discussion about what our market wants and what they’re looking for.


Carey Ballard: Got it.

Jared Kimball: Yeah. I’d say also just to add to that and maybe even ask a question of you, Molly. You know, one of the things too for a lot of small business owners, let’s say they’re only a team of like two or three and they’re like, "Well, we don’t really have a marketing team."

Molly Pittman: Right.

Jared Kimball: "Or any content that’s created. I’m creating," or "I’ve got one other person who’s kind of helping me." And do you have any like – any tips or – and maybe anything you can add to somebody who might be working with a smaller team?

Molly Pittman: Yeah. Definitely. I would say that content is definitely quality over quantity.

Carey Ballard: Yep.

Molly Pittman: So if you don’t have time to create a lot of content, that’s okay. Really, I believe a business only needs one good piece of content to get started. So if you have a quality piece of content and if you’re the subject matter expert, you can write it yourself. If not, find someone that’s qualified to write one good – we call them pillar posts –


one good, quality piece of content that your audience is going to read and think, "Wow. That company really knows what they’re talking about. Wow. That piece of content was really helpful for me."

So if you’re just getting started and you have a small team, definitely focus on producing quality content and making sure that every piece of content has a function, right?

Carey Ballard: That’s right. Yeah. That’s what I want to get into a little bit is a little bit of the form and function, because I’ve noticed that’s where people get stuck some of the time is,

Molly Pittman: Right.

Carey Ballard: - "I produced a blog post. It didn’t do anything." Well, that might not have been an actual conversion piece, right? We need to talk -

Molly Pittman: Absolutely.

Carey Ballard: There’s a difference between a blog post and a lead magnet, so -

Molly Pittman: Right.

Carey Ballard: - would you mind – give us a little definition for those who are say new to the content realm.

Molly Pittman: In terms of a lead magnet?

Carey Ballard: Yeah.

Molly Pittman: Yeah. I mean, really a lead magnet as we define it is an irresistible bribe offering a specific chunk of value to a prospect in exchange for their contact information.


Carey Ballard: Perfect.

Molly Pittman: So this is gated content. So this is something you’re going to give in exchange for someone’s information, which for us is really the beginning of our sales process.

Carey Ballard: Perfect. And so do you – so you’ve got typically this lead magnet sitting on one of your properties. It’s behind a gate and you have other pieces of content or ads or things like that that are firing to this said piece of a lead magnet, correct?

Molly Pittman: Absolutely. We’re running traffic or there are blog posts that have this lead magnet as their call to action.

Carey Ballard: Fantastic. We call those our solar systems. We’re trying to drive everybody to the sun.

Molly Pittman: Cool.

[Laughter]I love it! Science. 

Carey Ballard: Well, and what we found is that there are certain types of pieces that we put out there that we said, "This is most likely going to be – this is gonna be a solid conversion piece. We’re gonna be able to ask for a lot of information cause we feel like there’s a lot of value." And then we’re wrong.

And then sometimes we think that this is going to be a really light – what we call more of a top of the funnel piece that’s a relationship builder and it turns out to be actually a great conversion piece, -


like people are trying to -

Molly Pittman: Right.

Carey Ballard: - buy the software right away. Do you find the same kind of discovery process still?

Molly Pittman: Yeah. I mean you never really know especially when you’re just getting started. I feel like ours are a bit more predictable now because usually our lead magnets start as another piece of content, right?

So, if we have a podcast episode that performs really well we know that that subject is interesting, so we’re not just gonna package the transcription and ask for someone’s contact information in exchange for it, but we know that that topic is of interest.

So, usually we’ll take that topic and we’ll create some kind of template or toolkit or some sort of download that feels really tangible to this person – a guide maybe and that way we’re repositioning.


We know they’re interested in the topic, but we want to make sure that this lead magnet has some sort of value that’s greater than something they could find online totally for free without giving their contact information.

Carey Ballard: Right.

Molly Pittman: If that makes sense.

Carey Ballard: It does. And one of the things that Jared and I work on together quite a bit is what we build as what I call like the micro funnels like I mentioned before is the closer we get to what we think is a conversion moment the more we talk about the solution itself.

Molly Pittman: Hmm.

Carey Ballard: So we for blog posts, podcasts, things like that – we’re really judging success on did we educate? Did they – do they trust us? When it comes to conversion piece, did they understand? Did we solve something? And did they trust us enough to give their information? And are they a little bit hungry for the thing that we provide? That product or service that we’re trying to move them to.

Molly Pittman: Absolutely. Is the lead magnet a good qualifier for whatever comes next?

Carey Ballard: Yep.

Molly Pittman: Cause that’s important. The lead magnet’s teeing up whatever sales conversation is going to follow, whether that’s an actual sales conversation on the phone,-


or a sales conversation that happens on a web page, but if you know that your lead magnet has a high perceived value.

So for example, one of our highest performing lead magnets is – it’s called Facebook Ad Templates, right? So it’s not just 101 Ways to Run Great Facebook Ads, it’s here’s a template you can use, right? Someone can imagine holding this lead magnet in their hand.

Carey Ballard: Right.

Molly Pittman: It’s productized. So, they see as valuable, therefore they will opt in for it, but it also sets the stage for what we really want them to do.

Carey Ballard: Right.

Molly Pittman: So we’re going to sell them a Facebook Ad course after they download the lead magnet. So we know they’re interested in the topic and it also tees up the perfect sales conversation for after they opt in.

Carey Ballard: Yeah. Jared, you’ve worked on a lot of these customized offers in the past. What have you found are some of the perfect conversion points?


Jared Kimball: Yeah. I mean I look at stuff where whenever you’re setting up a – you know, some type of conversion funnel – a micro funnel as you referenced to Carey, you’ve got like as Molly said, some sort of piece of interest. They’re interested in this thing and whatever is related to that – just that helps them take the next step that’s just like low risk.

That’s kind of like the way I see it as well. It’s just like, "Oh, well. Hey, we have this great blog post. Oh, I really like this blog post."

"Oh, hey. There’s this awesome thing that you can download that we’ve created – that we’ve created this cheat sheet – just give us your name and email and then you can download this cheat sheet."

"Oh, that’s sounds amazing." And then they download that and then, "Oh, by the way, we’ve created this course," or "We have this product that will actually help you accomplish that even faster."

And it just makes sense for that person cause they’re like, "Yes, you are speaking my language." And then they just – you’re helping them solve problems the entire way down and it’s such a delightful experience and it just – it just feels right to the person.

Carey Ballard: Well, it should be if we’ve done it right.

Jared Kimball: Yeah.

Carey Ballard: I always use one of my favorite pieces of content from I think it was about two years ago that they published it.


It was a piece called – I think it was How to Convince Your Boss.com and I know, I think I shared it with Jared before, but it’s a website full of statistics about how valuable content marketing is and in my job that’s what I needed and the only lead magnet that they actually had – Molly, to your point – they had one really, really juicy piece of content in the center was a PowerPoint presentation chock full of all these statistics about why content mattered that I could download and use and it was super valuable and then they – oh, by the way, they did content marketing as a provider, so it made it -

Molly Pittman: Uh-huh. Of course they did.

Carey Ballard: Of course they did.

[Laughter]And they’ll be happy I gave them that shout out, but the point was that I had a very specific need. They earned my trust by giving me a lot of resources that were useful and helpful and then I used the download because it was a perfectly packaged presentation that I could use and wa-lah, I now am committed to content and can use their services. 

Molly Pittman: Absolutely. And I think a lot of people make the mistake of, "Okay, I need to create a lead magnet. I’m going to create a 300 page eBook." Right? [Laughs]


Carey Ballard: Oh, yeah.

Jared Kimball: Yeah. Scary.

Molly Pittman: I’m going to give so much value it will be amazing and everyone and will want it. And not that it doesn’t work for some, but unfortunately lead magnets also have to be easily consumable, right? Because this isn’t the last step in the customer journey. You just started the customer journey, so if the book’s 300 pages, probably one percent of the people [laughter] are actually going to read the book, right?

Carey Ballard: Yep.

Molly Pittman: So these lead magnets need to be easily consumable. That’s why we always recommend cheat sheets or handouts or templates that they can print out right there and use.

Carey Ballard: Yep.

Molly Pittman: Because if they start using it they instantly love you. .

Carey Ballard: Yep.

Molly Pittman: They’ve already consumed the template and your eyes are in their eyes. You are valuable as a brand and they’re open to the next step of the customer journey.

Carey Ballard: Absolutely.


Molly Pittman: So it’s really important for this to not only be quality, but also for it to be easily consumable. You don’t want it to stop the customer journey because it just started.

Carey Ballard: And I would say the second point of that is that you have to be respectful of how your audience learns and how they talk back to what we started at the very beginning. What did they use as reference points? I can think of two specific customers that we have. One runs a very robust data analytics company and honestly, he might do well producing a 30 page eBook on something that was of great detail to his audience.

Molly Pittman: Right.

Carey Ballard: Because it’s a very detailed space.

Molly Pittman: Right.

Carey Ballard: And then I have another customer that provides like a styling services for women, so hers is all about fashion. It’s all really quick and punchy and visual and a 30 page book would fail miserably for her, so I mean it’s – it’s about -

Molly Pittman: Totally.

Carey Ballard: - matching your audience needs on top of everything else, but it sounds complicated, but I swear, it’s really not once you start getting into it. [Laughs]


Molly Pittman: Yeah. And you never know and even for the data and analytics company, right? Think about if they created a really cool Excel sheet that had formulas in there, right? And it’s like, "Hey, here’s a simple dashboard that any company can use." Download, right?

Carey Ballard: Yep.

Molly Pittman: And they could test it against the eBook that was 300 pages and who knows which one would perform better.

Carey Ballard: Yep.

Molly Pittman: But, I do believe that something that’s easily consumable and something that’s useful, right?

Carey Ballard: Yeah.

Jared Kimball: Yes.

Carey Ballard: Useful’s the key.

Molly Pittman: You see the calculator and you’re like, "Whoa, I can use this now or I can send this to someone on my team. And we can start using it today." I love DigitalMarketer, right?

Carey Ballard: Yep.

Jared Kimball: Yeah. Especially in today’s era. I mean everyone is so – they want instantaneous feedback like, "Oh, I’ve got Facebook in front of me," and "Oh, what’s this? Oh, yes. Let me click here. Let me play with this," or "No, I don’t like that. Let me go back." Right? So whenever – as people are doing those types of things, whatever you can do to give them a quick win where they go, "Wow. This helped me actually solve this problem or helped me get to this thing and it was relatively easy."


Carey Ballard: Yep. Absolutely.

Jared Kimball: That’s awesome.

Carey Ballard: So Molly, we like to provide a little useful stuff for our listeners as well. Do you know of any – are there any tools or tips or tricks when it comes to lead magnet creation that you rely on or your team relies on or your customers rely on for that matter?

Molly Pittman: Any tools?

Carey Ballard: Yeah.

Molly Pittman: Specific to creating lead magnets?

Carey Ballard: Uh-huh.

Molly Pittman: Not really. Honestly, we keep it simple. It’s written in a Word doc. Our designer creates a cool PDF, but honestly we don’t have any specific tools to create lead magnets. I mean you can always outsource something like that on Upwork, but don’t over complicate it.

Carey Ballard: Yeah. I would agree. I think we found some that - I think Canva has been a really popular one when it comes to design services -

Molly Pittman: Yeah. Canva’s great.

Carey Ballard: - for small businesses, Jared?

Molly Pittman: For layout. Yeah.

Carey Ballard: Yeah. Definitely.

Jared Kimball: I agree and I’ll also add in just to help a small business owner out, a quick way of creating a lead magnet or using tools is just using your voice like just sitting down and just recording –


like one exercise a small business owner could go through is – pretend you’re having a sales conversation and you get an objection or they’re asking you this question or if it’s a big burning question you get all the time and you just sit down and say, "Okay, how would I normally answer this in a sales conversation?" And then just record that and now you’ve got some sort of lead magnet that you could use that actually helps that person figure out how to solve that problem or take the next step that they need to.

Molly Pittman: Absolutely. It’s funny because you people reference our lead magnets way further down the customer journey, right?

Carey Ballard: Uh-huh. Yep.

Molly Pittman: They’ll be within one of our products and they’re like, "Oh, remember that thing I downloaded? Remember that template or that checklist or that headline swipe file? Where is that?" [Laughs] Right? Like they remember it, which is really cool and if you create useful assets, people will always reference back to them.


Carey Ballard: Absolutely. All right. Well, we try to keep these a little short like a decent commute, so I want to wrap up here, so thank you, Molly for digging into content creation with us today. It’s been as pleasure.

Molly Pittman: Awesome. Thank you guys for having me on.

[Music playing]

Carey Ballard: Thanks so much for listening. Don’t forget to rate, share and subscribe and for more great information about the Small Business Success Method and other great content, go to Learn.Infusionsoft.com.

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