Growth / Clate's Corner

The Most Common Trait found in Successful Entrepreneurs

Clate Mask

Updated: May 06, 2020 · 1 min read

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two people celebrating success at sunrise

Scott and I have been interviewing successful entrepreneurs as part of the Small Business Success Podcast we’re launching later this month.  By the way, it’s been an absolute blast and I can’t wait for listeners to get their hands on these podcasts!

During the podcasts, we ask successful entrepreneurs about their highs and lows, lessons learned, and perspectives from their position of success. We ask them to give advice to other entrepreneurs who may be struggling or feeling underwhelmed by their accomplishments. We love to also ask our guests what characteristic is most responsible for their success. 

It may not come as a surprise to you to learn that the most common answer is persistence or tenacity. More than half the successful entrepreneurs who’ve answered this question have told us they felt like quitting, giving up, or getting a real job. But something inside of them kept pushing them. They pushed through the dark times and constantly believed in what they were up to.

Successful entrepreneurs say they owe their success to that characteristic, more than anything else.

SBS Idea of the Day: If you’re having feelings that you want to quit, don’t entertain them. Get rid of those thoughts and focus on the reasons you’re doing what you’re doing. Make a “vision board” of some sort to constantly, visually remind you of what you’re doing and why you’re doing it. Just don’t quit.

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