Growth / Clate's Corner

The Small Business Success Podcast

Updated: May 17, 2019 · 2 min read

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One of my favorite things to do is sit down with an entrepreneur and talk about their business, share lessons learned, and give growth advice.  Unfortunately, as Infusionsoft has grown, I’ve had to say “no” to all of the entrepreneurs who want to meet with me. It pains me to turn down their requests because I seriously love talking about small business success and helping wherever I can. 

My desire to help entrepreneurs is what fuels me at Infusionsoft. It’s why we do the Elite Forum. It’s one of the reasons I started blogging at the beginning of the year. It’s also the reason I co-authored “Conquer the Chaos” with Scott several years ago. But still, it’s painful to turn down these requests from entrepreneurs. Now, I have another way to help small business owners.

A few months ago, Scott and I decided to begin a podcast where we interview successful small business owners. We talk to stage four and five business owners (generally between $1 million and $10 million in annual sales) and ask them about their successes and failures. It’s fascinating to hear their stories. We’ve interviewed all sorts of entrepreneurs. We’ve recorded about 20 podcasts, and we’re always adding more episodes.

Scott and I draw out some pretty cool stories from these successful entrepreneurs. We also sprinkle in some of our own stories and lessons learned over the years. We’re having a blast doing it. We just launched the Small Business Success Podcast on Friday. The feedback is rolling in and we just hit one of the Top 5 lists on iTunes.

There’s so much you can learn from the stories of others. I hope you’ll listen and learn from the Small Business Success Podcast. 

SBS Idea of the Day: Go to and listen to any episode of the SBS Podcast today. Leave us a comment about what you like or don’t like. We’ll keep the episodes coming and incorporate your feedback to make them even better.

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