Growth / Clate's Corner

Welcome to Small Business Success!

Clate Mask

Updated: Jul 17, 2019 · 3 min read

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A funny thing happened last night—I couldn’t sleep. That NEVER happens to this entrepreneur. Maybe you can relate. I’m always able to sleep. Always—like, on command. That’s what happens when you’re running a fast-growth tech company, raising six kids, committed to being a great husband, and involved in your church and community. I wake up at 4:40 a.m. every weekday to exercise and do my morning routine. I go to bed around 10:30 or 11. I usually get about six hours of sleep. For the other 18 hours, I’m full tilt.

So, sleeping is not hard for me, but it was last night.

After a lot of tossing and turning, I figured out why: I’m not sharing enough. I’m not teaching small business success enough. And, for some reason, when I went to bed on New Year’s Eve 2015, it hit me, and I couldn’t sleep well. I tossed and turned all night; I woke up early, then I sat in bed thinking. Here’s what it all came down to:

I have a God-given fire inside of me to help small businesses succeed. I will not rest well unless and until I constantly share that fire by teaching small business success in 2016.

I have a unique perspective of small business success: I have nearly 15 years of experience living, watching, and teaching small business success. But for the past couple of years, I have been more focused on the success of Keap rather than Small Business Success—which is ironic considering our very purpose at Keap is to “Help Small Businesses Succeed.” Yet as the company has grown to 650 employees, I’ve delegated the teaching of Small Business Success to our awesome employees, with the exception of Elite Forum, Momentum, and Mastermind (where I do some teaching, and I love every minute of it).

Well, it’s time for that to change. I’m going to teach Small Business Success. Every day, starting today, with this blog. I’ll also do a podcast, where I will teach the principles of Small Business Success each week. But mostly, I’ll spotlight business owners who are doing it, living the dream, and winning the battle for success.

So, there you go. Welcome to the Small Business Success series. Let’s see if I sleep better tonight.

SBS Idea of the Day: Establish a morning routine that prepares you for a successful day as a business owner.

This is the first in a series of blog posts on small business success from Keap CEO Clate Mask. 


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