Growth / Personal Development

9 Perfect Holiday Gifts to Fill Entrepreneurs With Pure Glee

Jeanette LeBlanc

Updated: Sep 14, 2019 · 7 min read

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Truth: Small Business owners are a pretty loveable bunch: Creative, hard Working. passionate, and determined.   

Good looking, too. Naturally.
{Yes,  I do believe flattery will get me everywhere}

If you’re a small business owner or count one among your loved ones, you’ll know at this time of year they are almost as overworked as the jolly fat man himself, since December brings long hours, high stress, and a workload that would have the elves at the North Pole mobilizing their union to demand a change.

What better time than the holidays to let your small business owner know just how special they are? Check out these ideas for giftst for entrepreneurs—for all budgets—suggested by small business owners themselves. 

1. Keep them healthy

When your job and your passion are the same, it can be difficult to let go long enough to take care of yourself. Make it easier for the small business owner in your life by gifting them a gym or yoga membership.   


Are they more the Zen yoga type, or would some high energy rounds of kickboxing be more their speed? Don’t forget location and hours—choose an option that will fit with their limited time availability.  

Do they already have a membership? Consider booking a session with a personal trainer or private instruction, or portable fitness equipment like a yoga mat, dumbbells and some DVDs to guide them on their path to fitness. 

2. Pamper them 

Small business owners rarely stop to smell the flowers, let alone to pour themselves a bubble bath and devote an evening to self-care. Make it an easy choice by creating a gift basket of goodies with instructions that these things must be used within the month (and make sure to let them know you intend to keep tabs on their use).

Better yet, offer to watch their kids/pet/hotline while they do their relaxing—it will be easier for them to actually relax if they don’t have to worry about interruptions. 

Pampering Gift Basket Suggestions: 

•    Bubble bath + candles + some comfy pajamas

•    Favorite movies  + popcorn + movie candy

•    Massage gift certificate + skin scrub + scented oils

•    Sports tickets + gift certificate to favorite sports bar

Emily Lyons, Femme Fatale Media

3. Feed their habits 

It doesn’t take much to make a long hard day just a little bit better. Do a little sleuthing to discover and stock up on their favorite treats. 

Whether it’s their favorite dark chocolate bar, the prefect bottle of wine or some gift certificates to their favorite lunch escapes, a supply of their little pick me ups will go a long, long way, especially if it’s something they don’t normally buy for themselves.  

Slumber Sage

4. Ease their aches and pains 

Logging hours upon hours at a computer can lead to lower back pain, carpal tunnel syndrome, and more. Help the small business owner in your life avoid these programs with economically correct chairs, keyboards and mouse, an exercise ball, footrest, or even a standing desk. 

Slumber Sage

5. Get social

These days, social media advertising is where it is at. Many small business owners put funds for social media ads on their gift list.  


A Visa Gift Card earmarked for Facebook, Twitter, or LinkedIn advertising funds would be well put to use—especially if your small business owner is actively working to build a following and engagement. 

 6. Ask an expert

Small business owners need to be jacks-of-all-trades, but it’s all too easy to become overwhelmed learning all aspects of business an end up feeling like a master of none.

With all those balls in the air, it’s no wonder that many small business owners dream of a professional organizer coming in and whipping them into well-ordered submission.   

Back Office Betties

Other small biz owners report that they would love a gift certificate toward freelance or virtual assistant service, or the support of an industry expert in areas like social media or SEO. 

7. Keep them charged 

Small business owners never stop moving.

Well, hardly ever. I do occasionally take a break to shower and sleep.  But mostly, it’s go-go-go from sun up till long past sun down.

With increasing reliance on smart phones and tablets an option for charging on the go is a wonderful and inexpensive way to help the small business owner keep in touch with her customers and business needs. Chargers (even solar ones for the eco-conscious) are available at a variety of price points and make the perfect stocking stuffer for the busy biz owner.

8. Go high tech

For the tech savvy small business owner—or for the one who dreams of being—there are countless gizmos and gadgets that will make some of the tasks of the business day easier (or more fun). 

From digital pens that translate your chicken scratch handwriting and brainstorming doodles into digital form (even syncing with Evernote) to laser projection virtual keyboards that allow you to transform any flat surface into a keyboard, these gadgets will get your small biz owner as excited as, well, a kid at Christmas.

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9. Get them out of the house 

The 2014 Small business market survey found that 71 percent of small business owners work at home. And when your home is also your office it can seem like a 24/7 no-escape situation.  

Co-working spaces create a solid stepping stone for those who want to move their business out of their living space, but who are not yet ready to invest in an office.   

Co-working also offers a venue to connect with other talented small business owners who have experienced similar challenges—wisdom and resources are shared and everyone benefits.  


What gifts would you love for the holidays?


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