Marketing / Social Media

How Much Do You REALLY Know About Social Media Marketing?

Ben Snedeker

Updated: Jul 31, 2020 · 1 min read

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Social media is a nearly perfect place for marketers to reach new customers and interact with their biggest fans. It continues to grow more ubiquitous in our daily lives, and new ways of interacting seem to pop up all the time. On top of that, new platforms seem to emerge every day—right now, there are hundreds of social sites out there (Wikipedia keeps a running list of most of them). Many of them are quite specialized, but only a handful are widely used, like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, SnapChat, etc.

Small business owners have to understand exactly which platforms are right for them and how to maximize their impact. It turns out that almost half of small business owners (49 percent) handle marketing on their own, and only 22 percent have the help of staff members, which means that you have to be the expert on social media. It can be a challenge to keep up, but the payoff is well worth it.

So how much do you really know about social media marketing? Take our quiz to find out:


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