Growth / Planning & Strategy

8 Must Reads for 2018

Lauren Joyner

Updated: Sep 13, 2019 · 3 min read

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The holiday season is coming to a close. It’s time to set those New Year’s resolutions and refocus on your business. To help you do that, we’re presenting you with nine of the best articles we read in December.

Ready for Blast Off: 5 Steps to Successfully Managing Product Launches via Asana

rocket launch

Launching some new products for 2018? Then you need to read this article. It gives you a clear roadmap for an effective launch, from setting up a clear communication process to creating checklists and what to do after the product launches.

Not Your Average 2018 Marketing Predictions List via Forbes

Everyone has marketing predictions for 2018 (even us!), so you might be burned out. But, this one is a little different. Algorithmically-based marketing? Check. Extension of an ecosystem for brand discoverability? Yup, they have that too. So yeah, this isn’t your average list.


Is SEO Opportunity Growing or Shrinking? via Moz

I have bad news for you: SEO opportunity is shrinking. But, it is still way more effective than PPC, so you still need to focus on it. And the data in this article is for U.S. users only, so there is still so much opportunity across the globe. So read up on the facts, but don’t throw away your SEO strategy just yet—or ever.

Net Neutrality is Dead—Now What? via The Verge

The Open Internet Order was officially repealed by the FCC on Dec. 14 effectively killing net neutrality. No matter your opinion on net neutrality, it’s important to understand the implications, whether good or bad, because this issue will affect anyone using the internet. And, considering you’re reading this on the internet, that includes you.

Business Owners and Entrepreneurs, Are You Addicted to Your Smartphones? (INFOGRAPHIC) via Small Business Trends

Who isn’t addicted to their smartphone?

give me my phone

I definitely spend far too much time glued to my smartphone, as much as I hate to admit it. But for a small business owner? Their phones are an extension of their business. It allows them to quickly upload a new product or answer an email that could make or break the business. But that use can spill into other aspects of life and that’s where we need a reality check. Small Business Trends can help you out with this handy-dandy infographic quiz.

Artificial Intelligence Is on a Crash Course With AR and VR. Here’s What It Means for Marketers via AdWeek

Is it just me, or are we constantly talking about robots? Well, don’t you worry. AdWeek predicts that robots aren’t replacing humans—yet. So, what does that mean for us? It means we need to be prepared to ramp up our efforts in the AR and VR categories. And content? Yes, we still need it.

15 Tools to Keep You Organized During the Holidays via Keap

OK, the holidays are over, but these tools can still help you out. Holidays don’t hold the monopoly on busyness. Small business owners are always busy, so you can always use a tool to help you out, right?

happy new year

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